Greetings to anyone who may find this blog about
Shelf Reliance and
Thrive products before I am done creating the blog page that I envision. Just like building up food storage, creating this page is a process that, depending upon my resources (time and familiarity) will come together quickly or little by little.
I'm checking out the gadgets available for this blog platform, searching for the perfect layout, and putting together all of the right ingredients to make this a fun and education blog. This process parallels what it takes to fully benefit from incorporating Thrive products into your home. You will want to keep track of the foods your family likes to eat, set up a user-friendly pantry or storage space, and discover how freeze-dried and dehydrated foods save you money while putting healthy food on the table.
As a
Shelf Reliance Independent Consultant I can help you meet all of the above topics. I can help you get set up with the
Q which sets you up on monthly shipments of the quality food at the lowest price possible. Because your family has favorite dishes, you can easily modify the monthly shipments to meet your tastes. I can help you look through Shelf Reliance's fantastic
shelving products to find the ones that best fit your space and needs. Should you not participate in the Q, I can guarantee you the lowest price on any order when you make your order through me. I can also show you some great recipes, make you aware of any new products, and help you throw a
home party where you and your guests enjoy special home party benefits like taste testing, free and/or half-off product prices, and cooking demonstrations.
So, let's get going and build up something great!!!!! When you are ready to build your home food supply, visit
Shelf Reliance, write up your order and send me an
email. I'll call you back and get you set up with the best price possible - guaranteed!
P.S. If you would like more information about the quality of their foods or a quick overview of their products, check Thrive foods
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